Begin by drawing a rectangle and separating it into strips - most posts are made of multiple planks bound together, like a barrel, so these strips represent the separate planks. As these lines must be dark and neat, draw them before you do any shadi
To draw the correct texture of wood, make long pencil strokes up and down the paper in the same direction with the flat side of the pencil led. This step shows the sort of pencil-work you should be aiming for. Practise on a separate sheet of paper be
This step is optional. I decided to smooth the shading/texture out a bit by using cotton pads/tissues - this removes some sharp edges and makes the texture a bit more uniform - but leaving it rough also produces a nice effect. It depends on what sort
Now add finer lines to the texture. Using a similar technique to the one used in Step 3, draw lines up and down the post with the fine point of a sharp 2B pencil. These lines must be straight, so draw them slowly and draw the short - the longer the l
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July 20, 2012
Description: This is guide on drawing a wooden post for novices.