How to draw a My little pony,Mlp-Fim Style
First off,let's dive right on into what you're going to learn today. There is many different positions that the pony/ponies head(s) can be in,but here are the most common.
Next,you're head needs some eyes on it! so here are some eye designs,open and closed,I made most of them up,so if you are wondering why they don't appear in the show,that's why. ;D
Okay,let's get to the hooves already,here are some positions in which the front legs and hooves can possibly be in.
Your pony needs some back hooves too! Here are some of the variables in which the hind legs and hooves can come in.
Wing time! Are you going to make your pony a pegasus? If so,than here are a few types of wings that you can possibly put on your pony.
Alright,Ready for the actual Tutorial? Okay,here goes nothing,first off,start out with the guidelines for the head,neck and body.
Next,add the features on the head,like the ear,which is pointed up,the eyes and the mouth,which is open.
Next,draw the mane,and tail,don't worry about any intercepting lines,they'll be erased later in the tutorial.
After doing that,add in the eyes,and erase all the unwanted lines,like the guidelines,and the ones that went through the mane,which used to be where her neck ended and back started.((I didn't erase them on this particular step,but you should anyways