How to Draw a Jaguar Animal, Jaguar Cat

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To draw a jaguar, we first need to start with the basic construction lines which will serve as our foundation. Using a 2H pencil, lightly draw a circle for the head, followed by a large, warped oval shape for the body. Connect the head to the body wi   


Now let's get to work on the head. First draw the triangular-shaped nose along the right edge of the head circle, about two thirds of the way up. On the exact opposite side of the circle will be the cat's right ear. Remember, animals point their ears   


Finish drawing the head by giving the jaguar a roaring mouth with large, sharp canine teeth on the top and bottom jaws. Give the cat a large, curled tongue and powerful jaw muscles. Draw in the rest of the eye by including an iris and pupil. Add more   


Let's start making our way down the body by drawing the outline of the neck, followed by the two front legs. Jaguars are extremely powerful animals known for carrying large pray into trees, so naturally these cats are very muscular and have large, ho   


Draw in the hind legs and tail to complete the outline of the figure. Be careful not to draw the tail too thin, as these animals use their thick tails for balance and agility. Since all of the animal's weight is pushing off from the back left leg, th   


This would be a good point to shift from pencil to pen. Using a brush or marker, such as a Micron or Copic Multiliner, carefully ink the outline of the figure and then erase the pencil marks with a kneaded eraser. Look at how clean your illustration    


I would say that this is the most enjoyable part of the illustration - inking in the spots! Ordinary jaguars are covered in oddly-shaped spots, no two spots being alike. They're kind of like snowflakes that way! Something important to observe is how    


While laying down spots can be the most enjoyable part of illustrating a jaguar, the most important step is in the shading phase. With shadow, we add depth to the figure, giving it life. Our light source is going to be at the top right corner of the    


We can continue to render the image and add additional depth and texture with feathering and crosshatching. Remember where the light source is coming from. When crosshatching, thin out your lines as you get closer to the light source. When feathering   


For a few finishing touches, go back to your now fully inked image and, using opaque white paint or white ink, add a few highlights in certain areas where light is directly hitting or creating a shine, such as along the tip of the tail or along the l   

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December 30, 2012

Description: A step by step guide on how to draw a comic book style jaguar in ink.

#how to draw leopards #how to draw wildcats #how to draw big cats

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