How to Draw a Hydra Dragon

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This will be a lengthy lesson so be prepared. Start off with the guidelines for all three dragons and the female in the middle.


Using the guide you just made for the female, go ahead and draw out the actual shape of her face followed by the long lashes of her eyes.


Next, proceed on to drawing out her face and then some of her neck.


Now you can tackle the task of getting those dragon heads drawing out one by one. Start with the one on the left or you can choose to go in any rotation you like.


Add more detailing and additions to the dragons especially with their faces, bodies and head. The one dragon head to the left is almost completely done. Again, this is a tedious step so take your time and don't rush.


Continue to work on the dragons like you see here. Which is their faces, necks and frilled spines.


Add more extravagant detailing ad then draw out the woman's body starting with the arms and work your way down to the body,


Lastly, you will draw out the rest of the woman's body and then draw in more of the dragon which is the talons. Erase the mistakes and guides to clean up the art.


You are done and ready to color in the art. Choose any shades you like.

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July 18, 2020

Description: Up next I will attempt to teach you guys how to draw a hydra dragon, step by step. This dragon creature was one of the main monsters/creatures that got me into drawing when I was eleven - twelve years old. I was so fascinated with this mythical creature that I was determined to learn how to draw it no matter what it turned out to look like. The drawing you see before you now is a hydra dragon with a female in the center or middle of all the three dragon heads. This person represents the girl who finally learned how to create a hydra in a manner that turned out awesome. I do hope you guys have been liking these fantasy style tuts. I think I will chill out with them for a while and do something else that comes to mind. One thing about art, you never know what is going to come out of you next. Enjoy the tut on drawing a hydra dragon folks, I'll be back with more lessons shortly.

#how to draw creatures #how to draw hydras #dragon drawings

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