How to Draw a Graduation Cap

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Let's get started. Draw a square for the top portion of the cap.


You will now start drawing the scroll with the end part of the paper, then draw a swirl.


Up next, finish drawing the roll of the scroll by making a tube, then proceed to step four.


Fill in the inside of the scroll with a paper end which is curled. Then draw in the ribbon that is tied around the scroll in the center. I know that the flap of the scroll is not included with the ribbon, but I was going for a playful concept.


Add the tassel on the top part of the graduation cap, then draw in the tassel ends.


For the last step all you have to do is draw the rest of the cap which is the part that sits on the students head. Erase the mistakes if you made any.


That's it, you are all done. Now you can add some festive color to your cap and scroll or diploma.

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May 19, 2014

Description: Graduation is near and where I live kids are already having, or has had their proms. Today I would like to say congratulations to all you high school graduates out there and in honor to you all for all your hard work, here is "how to draw a graduation cap", step by step. As you can see the graduation cap also is accompanied by the high school diploma. The diploma is in a scroll form, I know schools will give a bonded booklet like folder with the diploma inside. I just wanted to have some fun and draw a scroll type diploma. This lesson is great for those of you who want to draw something for your brother, sister, aunt or uncle. If you are excited for somebody that is graduating, then try out this lesson on drawing a graduation cap.

#how to draw hats
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