How to Draw a Christmas Heart

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First start out by drawing the lid for the Santa hat that will be placed on top of the heart's arches.


You will now draw a heart under the hat like so, and since the arches are covered you will not see the entire form of the heart.


Next and lastly, draw the rest of the Santa hat in a relaxed fashion. Add the tassel ball at the end of the hat, then erase the mistakes if you made any at all.


You are all done. Now you can have fun with coloring your heart in.

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December 18, 2013

Description: Just seven days left till Christmas and I can't wait! I'm actually not excited for the presents this year, I'm more looking forward to the actual day. Up where I live there is already a lot of snow on the ground and it's -4 degrees. The pine trees smell incredible, and Jack Frost is nipping at my nose. You can also smell the scent of hardwood burning in the wood stoves off in the distance. All of these things makes the feeling of Christmas feel more present and real. I want to wake up and have a cup of hot coco as I snuggle up on the couch to watch my family open presents. It may sound like a perfect setting, but the reality is; that is NOT what I'm going to do on Christmas morning. Instead I'm gonna wake up because someone wakes me up, not because I'm ready to get up. I will then be pushed into the parlor or living room and sit on the floor as I wait for someone to pass out the presents. It will probably be my fourteen year old brother since that is how it's always done. Then I will sit there and watch my ten year old sister get thirty gifts while my name only gets called three, maybe four times. Once I faintly smile and say Merry Christmas to all, I will go lay back down and watch something on T.V as I wait for Christmas dinner to be made. Now that you know how I will most likely spend my Christmas day, don't you just miss being ten? Anyways, here is "how to draw a Christmas heart", I figured it's better to love on this, and everyday, then to wallow within your own self with hostility and anguish. Have a happy holiday all, and be sure to remember that Christmas isn't about getting, its about giving and being with those you love.

#how to draw hearts #how to draw hats

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