How to Draw a Dragon Heart, Dragon and Heart

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Begin your first drawing step by drawing a heart like so. Of course your heart can be different from mine, as long as you draw a heart is fine.


Start step two by drawing the dragon's head starting with the forehead, and then draw the horns and snout like so.


Continue on with the dragon drawing by sketching out the curved neck shape like so, and then draw the shoulders. You will also need to draw the bottom jaw as well as the chin.


After you get the basic shapes drawn out for the dragon, you will need to sketch out his claws which are grasping onto the top arches of the heart. Next, sketch out the detailing on the body which is mainly the dragon scales, eyes, nose and skull det   


Almost done guys. Your dragon is basically done. The only thing that is left to do is draw out the wings, and the tail. Let's start by tackling just the wings first. Start right at the neck, and then draw the hand of the wing like so. Between the fin   


Okay guys, draw the tail and as you can see I made it where the dragon tail is also hugging the heart. This gives the design a really nice concept because it conveys love, and the saying "your heart is mine". Erase the mistakes and you are ready to a   


Finish off the dragon by sketching in the tail scales like so.


Here is the design when you are done. Notice how clean the dragon heart looks. It's all ready to be colored in to your liking.


Step 1| I always start with a nuetral tone that isn't too dark or too light. This is very important to use because of the advantage of knowing how dark or light to shade/highlight the parts of chrome. Start off with black outlines, and when you want    


*Note: below you may see a strange tool option set; this is the tool I use for smudging and blurring in the hard shadows to make it appear almost gradient-like. Step 3| I start smudging my hard shadows, conciously remembering where exactly to blur my   


Step 5| Using the same smudge tool, I blur the edges and soften them up throughout the base colors. Notice where the crease of bold shadow and highlight are at it's thickest. I repeat this process throughout the illustration, reminding myself exactly   

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March 9, 2012

Description: Hey everyone, welcome back to Dragoart where the fun never ends. Today I will start the drawing day by submitting the very lesson that I started sketching yesterday during Livestream. Here is "how to draw a dragon heart", step by step and I think you will love this design concept. The title is not to be confused with the film of the same name 'DragonHeart'. I had the idea to make a heart design concept like this a while ago but it's only until now that I actually bring my idea to life. I have to say that yesterday was one of the more active Livestreams that I have done in a while. I think it's because the dragon heart drawing was being loved by a lot of the viewers. Anyways, the dragon in the lesson is colored in a chrome like fashion and the heart is red but the texture of it sort of looks like glass. This tutorial on drawing a dragon heart may be a bit complex for novice artists, but that doesn't mean walk away from the lesson completely. It's a good idea to just tackle the task, and see how far you get before you start getting frustrated. I on the other hand will leave yo now so I can prepare the other lessons I have for you. Have fun everyone and remember to comment, and rate, or one of the other on this as well as all the tutorials you view today. Peace out people and enjoy!

#how to draw hearts #draw dragons #dragon drawing #dragon drawings

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