How to Draw a Deer Skull, Deer Skull Tattoo

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Begin by making a circle for the head and then draw the curled guidelines for the antlers, and the snout of the deer's skull.


Slowly begin sketching out the actual shape and structure of the skull. Start at the top of the head, and slowly work your way down. Notice how the skull narrows out when you start drawing the muzzle part of the skull design. Be sure that the brows a   


Using the facial guidelines you made in step one, start sketching out the shapes of the eyes first, and then color them in hollow. Next, sketch in the crease between the eyes on the forehead like so for added definition and detail, and then draw the    


You are now ready to start sketching out the antlers. Start with the right one first, and here you can make them as large, or as small as you like. The base of the antler should be nice and thick to convey power, and strength. The lining should be ro   


Try to draw the other antler the very same way you did the first one and also try to keep them uniform looking. If you want an awesome sketch, take your time and don't rush. Once you're done with this step you should end up with a ten point rack.


Clean up your deer skull drawing and then you can draw in the creepy skull face above the deer like you see here. Of course this is completely optional, I just thought it would make a nice touch.


If you chose to go ahead and draw in the silhouette of the human skull face, your drawing should look like the one you see here. If not, just minus the face, and the deer skull should be all that remains. Great work guys, I'm sure you did a fantastic   

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December 30, 2011

Description: The inspiration for this skull design came from a real trophy I saw in a sporting goods store at the mall the other day. I thought it was so cool looking and I remember thinking to myself that the trophy would be really neat to have hanging on my wall. Today, I will be showing you "how to draw a deer skull", step by step. The actual picture you see before you is very similar to the skull that was mounted high on the wall at the store that day. The only difference between the two deer skulls is the size of the antlers, and of course the design of the face. The antlers on the skull’s head at the mall were smaller, and not as dominating. I wanted my deer skull resemble that of a big buck. Of course you know I had to add my own personal touches to make the skull look even cooler and scarier. The well-defined eyes and brows make my deer skull pop off the page with excitement and terror. I love the way that the end concept came out, and if you are into skull designs, you will definitely get a kick out of this awesome tutorial based on drawing a deer skull. I have always wanted to make a cool version of this type of animal skull, and now I think I finally achieved my goal. I hope you enjoy what you see here, and if you do, be sure to let others know that you think it’s awesome by leaving a comment, rating or both. I have to bounce out of here once again, but my presence will resurface tomorrow with more drawing fun. Adios mi amigos and good luck.

#how to draw deer #how to draw animal skulls

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