Start off by drawing a big circle for the head, and then make another shape in the form of an oval. Add the facial guidelines and then move to step two.
Sketch out the actual shape of the cheetah's head, and then draw in the rounded ears too. Be sure that the shape of the face is kind of rounded.
The best way to approach this step is to make thick, bold, dark circles for each eye. Thicken the black around the edges of the eyes and then give the lashes a bold look too. Draw the roundness of the nose.
Now that you are on your fourth step, you can draw in the detailing lines for the ears. When that is done draw the large eyeballs, and then give this cute cheetah a nose, lips, and whiskers. Add some brows and move along to step five.
All that needs to be done here is draw in the neck, and front legs. The paws are positioned inward for added cuteness. Be sure to also draw in the chest.
You have to now draw out the back and then draw the tail in a very cute way. The next thing that you need to do is draw in the back legs, and then the rest of the belly.
Since this is your last drawing step all you need to do is draw in the lines that creates toes on the paws. Erase any visible lines and shapes that you drew in step one to prepare your cheetah for spots and color.
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July 14, 2011
Description: I’m trying to keep things in perspective and because of that I just had to go ahead and make a tutorial that can teach someone how to create their own cheetah very simply and easily. In order to make such a lesson, I had to draw it in a chibi like, for kids style. So, having said all that jazz, you will be learning "how to draw a cheetah for kids", step by step. These big cat species are among one of my favorite cats along with the tiger and lion. Panthers are pretty cool too but the cheetah is awesome because they are solitary animals that have a lot of personality and they are also way less aggressive then tigers and lions. One of my favorite movies that is based on the lives of a boy and his pet cheetah is DUMA. It was such a touching movie and I developed a whole new outlook on these beautiful and amazing animals once I seen the film. This was a rather fun task to make and I think you guys will enjoy drawing a cheetah for kids especially if you love them as much as I do. Thanks guys and be sure to keep your eyes peeled on Dragoart because I still have two more submissions coming your way.