How to Draw a Cartoon Parakeet


Let's begin by making a circle shape for the head along with a facial guideline.


Next, draw the outer lining for the parakeet's head that starts off like a question mark.


Using the facial line as your guide, draw and color in a small dot for the eyeball. Next, make an arched line for a cheek under the eye, and then draw the striped pattern that flows down the cartoon parakeet's head and cheek like so.


Draw the wing by making an oval shape that narrows out at the ends. You will then draw some feathers for the parakeet's wing before you leave step four.


Make the bulging style chest and belly as well as the lining to close off the back of the body and to form the tail at the same time. Draw a feather lines collar around the neck, and then draw the claw style beak. Add more stripes before leaving this   


Okay guys as you can see you are almost done with this cartoon bird. You will need to draw the feather marking pattern on the shoulder or wing, and then you can draw in the chunky style feet as well as the nails.


For step seven you will need to draw the branch that the parakeet is resting on, as well as the leaves and spiral pattern at the end of the branch.


Lastly, draw the leaves at the bottom of where the cartoon parakeet is calling home, and add some more wood detailing too. Erase all the mistakes and guides that you drew in step one, as well as along the way.


This is the finished product when you are all done. Now you can choose what color you want your parakeet to be and get busy coloring it in.

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March 20, 2012

Description: How cute would it be to draw a parakeet in cartoon form? That is the same question I asked myself yesterday and seeing how I love birds, why not make a tutorial on "how to draw a cartoon parakeet", step by step. Drawing parakeets is by far one of the funnest concepts to do because they are so incredibly cute, and popular. Unlike other parrot species, parakeets are one of the more affordable parrot species to buy from a pet store. Cockatiels are more expensive and a lot more defined. I owned a parakeet before that looked very much like the one you see here. Drawing cartoon birds can be a fun activity because almost everyone can tackle such a task and totally come out in the end with a successful drawing. I think this cartoon parakeet will be liked by many and hated by few. I shall return with one more lesson that is going to be on another animal, but in a certain Japanese form. Stay tuned in to see what it will be.

#draw birds #how to draw parrots #how to draw parakeets
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