How to Draw a Birdhouse

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For this birdhouse drawing, we will begin by drawing the A framed roof first. Start by making some simple lines starting with the top of a triangle shape. You will then draw your roof making sure the edges are layered and pointed. This is going to be   


Define the front of the roof, and then draw the layered shingles like so. take your time, and if you need to use a ruler, go ahead and do so.


Next, draw the boxed frame of the birdhouse like so, and add that small opening in the center. This is where the birds eat out of, and even build nests in.


Here you will first draw the perch, and then draw the siding for the birdhouse. You can leave it plain if you want, the choice is yours.


Almost done guys. To finish off the birdhouse all you have to do is draw the base or foundation like so, and as you can see it looks like a simple box.


I chose to go with a branch style post, but you can draw a straight looking pole or maybe an intertwined weaving of twigs for a post. I saw this style at Lowes near my house, it was so pretty and unique. Anyway, don't forget to add detailing to the p   


The finished birdhouse comes out look fabulous. It is now time to add a splash of color and some decorative style. I hope you liked drawing a birdhouse everyone!

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March 3, 2012

Description: It's official, birds are coming around again despite all the snow that we have on the ground here in Northern New England. I watched a few birds peck at an open area of dirt and grass hoping to find a worm or seed. Since the birds are coming back I thought of a neat, and helpful lesson that might come in handy when creating new drawings for the upcoming warm seasons. Here is "how to draw a birdhouse", step by step. I know that many of you probably love birds, and since I love drawing birds, what better way to create a happy environment than to make a tutorial on drawing a birdhouse. As you know birdhouses come in many, many different sizes, styles, shapes and forms. These small miniature structures are built from wood, fiberglass, plastic, metal, and even straw ( believe me, I have seen them in straw). The house that I made for you all can be tweaked to your liking, and it can also be decorated, colored, and placed any way, or where you want. I was going to draw a small bird standing on the perch, but then I thought that would just clutter the tutorial. Surprisingly I enjoyed creating this design, and believe it or not, but this is my very first birdhouse drawing. I do hope that you enjoy this lesson, and since I have submitted my tutorials for the day, be sure to come back tomorrow for more drawing fun. Adios people and enjoy your weekend.

#draw birds #how to draw houses

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