How to Draw a Bumblebee

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Start by drawing an egg shape for the whole body of this bumblebee. Then move to step two.


Now you will sketch out the actual body like so, and then draw out the wings like so. Notice how nice they look.


Okay, draw a small thick stinger, and then draw out the bumblebee's antenna and cute bulky eyes. Color them in and leave behind some whit spots for glare effect. Lastly, make a simple, friendly smile.


Draw out and color in two thick strips on the bumblebee's hide, and then you are all done. Clean up your drawing by erasing some lines you may have left behind.


Here is what your cute bumblebee looks like when you are all done. Now you can color it in to finish this insect off. Thanks for joining me guys!

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May 21, 2011

Description: Today is the day that almost all the lessons will be on something easy, cute, and fun. For the second lesson you will get a four step tutorial on "how to draw a bumblebee", step by step. Is there a difference between a bee and bumblebee? To my understanding a bee is a whole lot smaller then a bumblebee. Bumblebees are rounder, fatter, and have more fur on their bodies. Also, bumblebees don’t lose their singers when they sting prey or people, and because of this they also still have their lives if they sting someone or something. The bee however does loose its stinger and die shortly after. Another interesting fact about the bumblebee and their sting is they can sting over and over again because they do not have barbs on their stingers. So what does the bee have on a bumblebee? Aggression; yup, it’s a known fact that the bee is way more aggressive then a bumblebee. I guess the saying proves right after all, you should be weary of the scrawny rather than the brutes. To me it’s always fun drawing insects even if I already made tutorials on them before. I think once you read this description, you will be eager to tackle this tutorial on "how to draw a bumblebee". That’s all for now folks but there are much more coming your way. Peace people and enjoy your drawing day!

#draw bees #how to draw bees #draw bee

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