How to Draw a Honeybee and Hive


We will start like we always do and that is what some guidelines for the heart hive and bee.


Next, draw the shape of a heart with an angled type of style. When that is done you can begin to draw out the honeybee starting with the wings and head.


Complete the bee by drawing the rest of the body, wings and detailing to the wings then the eyes and antenna.


Here you will draw out the three shapes of the hive with two of them overflowing with honey. Add definition to the right hive hole.


Add some simple detail to the heart as a whole, and then erase those guides and any mistakes.


When you are done, you should be left with a drawing that looks like the one you see here. Now all you need to do is color in your art.

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June 10, 2023

Description: Hey guys. Welcome back to another lesson of mine. Today I will be showing you how to draw a honeybee and hive, step by step. I figured if I'm going to make a lesson, it might as well be on something to celebrate summer and I know one of the things summer is known for are the bees, wasps, ants, hornets and whatever other stinging insects that fly around. I do hope you like the lesson. I was stumped on a background so I left it plain. Thanks for viewing and please remember to like, love, fav, comment and SHARE!!!

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