Drawing a Chibi

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Start with a big head shape and add the guidelines for the face, and body like so.


The next thing to do is begin drawing the shape of the face structure starting with the chin and or jaw. When that is complete you can start sketching out the shoulders, neck, and shirt collar.


Draw the shapes of the eyes, and be sure to make the lining a bit bolder around the inside to add depth, and then add a happy mouth. Finish drawing out the shirt, and begin to draw the arms. Sketch in some detailing too.


Okay, the fun really begins as you draw out the beginning hairstyle design which consists of sharp pointed bangs. Add some blushed up cheeks, and then move to step five.


Finish sketching out the shape of the head, or hairstyle, and then add in some ears, eyebrows, and the rest of the arms and hands. Next, draw the legs, like you see here, and add some detailing to the shirt.


Your last drawing step is here so let's finish drawing a chibi. Continue to draw out the legs until they are done, and then draw the shoes too. Next, and lastly draw the backpack that he is gripping onto. Erase all the lines and shapes you drew in st   


See how incredibly cute this chibi school boy looks. All you have to do now is color him in, and you are all done. I hope you liked joining me as I showed you how to draw a chibi once again.

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September 16, 2010

Description: I was drawing yesterday and came up with an idea for a chibi character. Now, I’m sure it’s no surprise to you all that there is an abundance of chibi tutorials at your disposal, I just felt like making a new lesson that was brighter, cuter, and maybe a bit easier. That is why I will be "drawing a chibi", and showing you how to replicate it using easy steps that will aid you to making this chibi character drawing a breeze. I have talked so much about the many different versions of chibis, and with every lesson I have always found something new to say about them. Today when you are drawing a chibi of your own, you should really try and use some of your artistic talents by adding something different to the character you are about to draw. Maybe color in the eyes blue instead of dark amber, how about drawing a sweater instead of a shirt, or maybe you can turn this boy into a girl. Anything you can think of will actually customize your drawing into something original even if you are following steps to draw a chibi. No matter what, I know you will do a great job because everybody here on Dragoart is a great artist. Meet me back here in a few to see what else I have for you. Hey, that rhymed. Well peace out people, and keep enjoying your drawing day.

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