Draw a Jumping Dragon


Start by drawing 3 circles, two for the body and one for the head


Then you need to draw a line connecting the head circle to the front body circle for the neck, and a line protruding out of the back circle for the tail. Then you need to draw sausage-like shapes for the front and back legs. Also, draw a square-ish s   


After that, complete the tail and neck, and draw more sausage shapes for the wings.


After that, complete the tail and neck, and draw more sausage shapes for the wings.


Add the spikes onto the back, head and tail of the dragon, and complete the legs. Also, add in more detail to the wings.


The next step focuses on the head. Outline the snout more and add spines and a mouth. Then add an eye (it's up to you how many eyes you want to have).


Next, go over the lines with a dark penicl/pen if you're drawing on paper, or go over it in another layer if you're drawing digitally.


The final step is colouring in your dragon, and is completely optional. Hope you enjoyed!

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July 13, 2016

Description: A tutorial on how to draw a dragon jumping. This is my first tutorial, so I hope you like it and find it useful!

#draw dragons #dragon drawing #dragon drawings #easy dragon drawing
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