Alan Rickman Drawing Lesson

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We will draw the guide shape for the head or face like so, then sketch in the facial guidelines along with the shoulder guides.


Define the shape of Rickman's face like so, then draw in the hair which is parted with short bangs falling along the edge of the forehead. Add the ear shapes and proceed to step three.


Finish the head shape which is also the hairstyle. Add the minor detailing and you're done.


Up next, draw the neck shape and then draw in the shoulders. Add detailing to the neck and then collar of the shirt.


Using the facial guidelines draw the thick eyebrows and then draw the shapes of Alan's eyes. You want to really showcase his stare so be sure to add the crinkles between the brows.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is sketch out the shape of Alan's nose and then draw the frown lines and mouth. Don't forget the mouth, lips and chin arch as well. Erase the mistakes and guides then you are all done.


That's it, here is the line art. Now you can color in Alan Rickman and show folks who you just made.

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January 16, 2016

Description: Here is the lesson that I have been waiting to upload and it's going to be on drawing Alan Rickman, step by step. I have always been a fan of Alan Rickman ever since I met Severus Snape from Harry Potter. I thought he was the coolest character in every which way possible. Now Rickman didn't just star in Harry Potter, other great movies that I watched him in are; Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, A Promise, A Little Chaos, and let's not forget Die Hard. Of course he did a lot more films, these are just the ones that I can think of. Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this lesson, I will return with other tuts so please stick around to see what they are.

#how to draw real people #how to draw people #how to draw actors
1 - Super Cool
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