She-Devil Pin-Up Art Drawing Lesson
Draw the puff of the bangs and then draw the horns. Before leaving this step you can draw the profile of the face.
We can now draw the breast, arm, torso, and devilish wing. Don't forget that swoop of hair which covers the back of her neck.
Draw the body formation of the legs and then draw the lining of her back. You will finish this step by drawing the stretched out hand.
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October 29, 2016
Description: Here is something that is sexy and steaming and full of style. Today I will be showing you how to draw a She-Devil inspired Pin-Up Art concept. This is just the silhouette of a sexy She-Devil sitting in a seductive pose. Since it's just the profile, it shouldn't be too complicated to tackle. I have lots more lessons coming you way so be sure not to stray to too far away. Adios mi amigos.