Midna True Form Drawing Lesson

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Make the guide shapes for Midna's body frame like so. This should include a circle for the head and guidelines for the body.


Stating in the middle you will begin to draw Midna's headdress which sort of looks like a tiara of sorts. This crown clings to her head and face as it cups the sides and top. We will sketch in some of her hair too.


The cone shape you draw here is Midna's hood that she wears. Add the detailing to the hood and you are done here.


Draw the pointed shape of her face, and then draw in the pretty eyes. Add the thick lining for the brows and then draw the nose and mouth.


Here you will draw in the length of her hair which is tied or joined at the ends using a bead of sorts.


We will now draw in the body. Her clothing is formed in conjunction with the hood. Sketch out the shape of her body which is nicely shaped like an hourglass. When that is done you can add the tattoo marking on the side of her body and then proceed to   


For the last drawing step all you will do is draw the design pattern on the sleeve. When you are done you can erase the mistakes and guides.


Here is the line art folks. All you have to do is color her in and show off your drawing to others.

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November 28, 2015

Description: There are some characters from the Zelda chronicles that need lessons on and there are some that don't. This character definitely needed to be turned into a drawing lesson and here it is. Today we will learn how to draw Midna in her true form, step by step. I have done so many tutorials on characters from Legend of Zelda, but I have never made a tut on drawing Midna true form. I love the way that Midna came out in this tut. She is beautiful, her colors are vibrant and her body pose is so cool. If you are a huge fan of Zelda, you will love drawing Midna True Form.

#how to draw zelda characters #how to draw legend of zelda characters

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