How to Draw Fierce Deity

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Begin like we always do with a head guide and then torso guides. Sketch in the facial guidelines too.


Up next, define the shape of Fierce Deity's face and then draw in the long hair/bangs which are also parted. The bangs should be drawn in layers Also make the line for the hat.


We will draw the cap or back part of Fierce Deity's hat, then sketch in more of his hair followed by the long pointed ears.


On Fierce Deity's forehead there is a symbol. Draw in the symbol now and then draw the nose, mouth and bottom lip bump.


We will tackle the left side first and sketch out the shoulder, and then the sleeve. Notice that the sleeve is drawn in a baggy style with wrinkles, folds and creases.


We will continue with drawing Fierce Deity's body/clothing. Start with the collar and then draw in the markings or pattern design on the torso. Also draw in the strap on the right shoulder.


Here we will make some simple circle shapes which are like buttons that makes up the outfit's design.


Sketch out the shape of the neck, then draw the right shoulder and right arm. Add some horizontal lines across the neck and chest too.


Almost done folks. Draw the shapes of the eyes, draw in the eyebrows and then draw the marks on Fierce Deity's face or cheeks.


Lastly, draw in the hood and then you are all done. You can erase the mistakes and guides you made through out the drawing lesson on Fierce Deity.


You are now ready to color in the drawing. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial I know it was a blast for me to do.

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April 13, 2015

Description: For those of you who are Legend of Zelda fans and who have asked me in the past to make a lesson on how to draw Fierce Deity Link, step by step, this one goes out to all of you. I'm sorry it took a while to get this version of Link created in tutorial form, but sometimes character requests slip my mind and I never get back to what I was supposed to do until I'm reminded by another request for the same subject. I had a lot of fun with this lesson because it brought me back to my childhood when all I used to do with my brothers and sisters was play Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. One of the cool things about Fierce Deity is that his sword is super cool and very strong. Fierce Deity welded his the Double Helix Sword all by himself. Another cool part about the Double Helix Sword is that it shoots Sword Beams. Anyways, maybe I should make a tut on Fierce Deity's sword, I bet that would make a cool tut. Okay guys, I have to bounce out of here because I still have some lessons to upload. Stick around because there are cool tuts still coming your way.

#how to draw zelda characters #how to draw legend of zelda characters

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