How To Draw Willie Mays, Willie Mays


To draw the infamous Willie Mays, we should first start with some very basic construction guide lines. Using a 2H or harder pencil, lightly sketch in your guide lines as seen here. Draw the basic shape of his head with his arms bent upwards, as he wi   


Next, it's a good idea to sketch in the complete human form without clothing. By doing this, it will ensure that the figure is proportionate and will look accurate after we put on clothes. These lines should be fairly basic, lacking detail in the hea   


Now that our construction lines are in place, let's start working on his eyes. They should rest evenly on the horizontal guide line. The eyes should be almond shaped and make sure to draw the iris and pupils looking in the exact same direction out of   


Use your vertical construction line to help place the nose. He has wide nostrils and the tip of his nose is very rounded. The nose should end roughly half way between the eyes and chin.


About half way between the nose and chin is the mouth. Draw his mouth open, revealing a smile. When drawing the teeth, do now draw a straight horizontal line with small vertical lines running through it. Instead, patiently draw the space created betw   


Draw the contours of his face and jaw line. He has a strong, square jaw that has a sharp corner to it in the back.


We should be able to clearly see his left ear from this angle, but his right ear should be almost totally covered by his head, revealing only a small bit of the tip. The left rests slightly low on his head, with the upper tip aligning with the left e   


Next, draw his baseball cap. From this angle, we should be able to see a portion of the underside of the bill as it wraps around the right side of his forehead. Draw the San Francisco Giants emblem on the front of the hat, which is the "SF" logo. Be    


Draw the small portion of short, fluffy hair peeking out from beneath the hat on either side of his head. He should not have significant sideburns here.


His neck is fairly thick, the back of it starting beneath his left earlobe and the from starting in front of his chin. His neck should be cut off by a diagonal line representing the collar of his uniform.


It's best to draw the left arm next. Draw the short sleeve on his shoulder, and make sure that there are numerous folds and wrinkles protruding from under his arm. Then draw the rest of his arm covered in a long sleeve shirt emerging from beneath the   


Before going further with the arms, let's draw his torso. Use your construction lines as a guide. He should be bent forward slightly, leaning into the ball. There should be many diagonal folds and wrinkles wrapping around the side of his shirt headin   


Let's go back to the arms and work on the left hand. It should be clenched tightly around the handle of the bat. We should only see the back of the left hand from this angle, but be sure to draw his knuckles clearly.


Now draw his right hand and arm. The hand should be resting above the left hand, his fingers wrapped around the bat. His thumb should be pointing upwards. Be sure to draw his knuckle wrinkles and fingernails. We should only be able to see a small por   


Finally, draw the bat. Use a ruler if you need help. It should be pointing diagonally behind his head. The end of the bat is fat and rounded, the handle is much thinner. The bottom of the handle has a knob on the end that is barely visible beneath hi   


Next, ink your image using a brush and ink, or Micron markers. Be patient, and make sure not to accidentally go over any unneeded construction lines. Use a ruler to help with the bat. A brush works great for inking fabric folds. After your ink has dr   


To add a greater sense of depth to the image, you can add shadow. Since the uniform is white, don't go too heavy on shading the uniform. A few shadows under the larger folds will do just fine. Black out the hat, but leave a thin streak of white acros   


And that's about it! If you need to make any corrections, use white ink or opaque white paint. And that is how you draw Jackie Robinson, the first African American major league baseball player.

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June 10, 2013

Description: The hall of famer Willie Mays is easily one of the most legendary baseball players of all time, having played outfield for the New York Giants, San Francisco Giants, and New York Mets. Learn the steps needed to draw The Say Hey Kid in a comic book style.

#how to draw baseball #how to draw baseball players

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