How to Draw Joe DiMaggio, Joe DiMaggio

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Make the shape for the head guide like so then sketch in the facial guidelines. You will then draw in the shoulder lines as well.


Next, use the lining you just made to define the shape of Joe's face. Incorporate the shape of his ear and fill the inside with detailing.


You will now draw Joe DiMaggio's ball cap or baseball hat. Draw the front part of the hat first then draw in the lid.


All that you need to do here is draw the two letters that stands for the team 'New York Yankees.


sketch in the beginning stages of the eyes, then draw the nose.


Sketch out the thick, bold eyebrows like so, then finish sketching out Joe's eyes. Color in the pupils and be sure to add the bags under each eye.


Finish sketching out the nose like so, then draw the mouth and or lips of this baseball star. Add detailing to his face like so, then draw in the sideburn.


You are almost done. All you have to do is work on getting the clothes drawn in. Sketch out the shirt collar, then draw the lining for her clothing. Sketch in all the wear and tear on his computer things.


For the last drawing step simply draw in the pinstripes that fill the baseball uniform. Erase your mistakes then you are done.


Here is your line art for another great lesson. Color in this baseball legend.

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June 9, 2013

Description: It’s no secret that I’m not a big sports fan and because of that I don’t know a whole lot when it comes to players, whether it they be from baseball, football, hockey, tennis, golf or what have you. I do however know about all time famous players that are listed in the Hall of Fame of their sport. Having said that, today I will show you "how to draw Joe DiMaggio", step by step. Joseph DiMaggio was born Giuseppe Paolo DiMaggio and he held the nicknames ‘The Yankee Clipper’, and ‘Joltin Joe’. He played for the New York Yankees for a total of thirteen years is considered to be one of the greatest baseball players of all time. He played as a center fielder and is notably known for his famous fifty six game hitting streaks from the dates of May 15 1941 to July 16, 1941. For the entire thirteen years he played baseball, he did it with his team the New York Yankees. I know you baseball fans will love this lesson because Joe DiMaggio is one of the best, and he still holds records that have not yet been defeated. Enjoy this lesson and be sure to let me know if there are other famous athletes that you would like to see as a tut. Peace out amnigos.

#how to draw baseball #how to draw baseball players

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