How to draw Toothless the Dragon from How to Train Your Dragon


Draw the guidelines. This is a full-body Toothless Tutorial, so you need the wing frame, as well as stick-like arms, legs, a tail, and a round head


Now, you must draw the wing frames. Do not web them yet, because you web them a certain way. Also, we do the head and the neck. Toothless's head is almost triangular on the end, and he has five visible ear-horn-thingies. One is blocked by his head on   


The arms, legs, and tail are next. The limbs bend just like a human's would. If you are a little kid and don't know what "limbs" means, then go look it up right now. I'll wait. GO PICK UP THAT DICTIONARY ALREADY!!!!!!! The tail is slightly curved    


Now, we do the webbing for the wings. They are slightly folded, so they kind of overlap the same wing. we also draw the four- pointed tail and fin-like secondary wing on the tail. Save the framework for later. That will be the last step.Both wing/tai   


Now, you draw the eyes and the framework for the fin-wing things. And then... TA DA!! YOU ARE FINISHED! YAY FOR YOU!

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May 16, 2014

Description: HTTYD is my favorite movie. I know Toothless did not come out too well against the night sky, but you could just make your own background. don't follow my steps. BE CREATIVE! Anyway, without further ado, TOOTHLESS' TUTORIAL! Please. I need comments. Negative or positive, doesn't matter. Just post it. It's called freedom of speech, or text, just type watchya want.

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