How to Draw the Pope, Pope Francis

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Let us begin by drawing the head/face guide for Pope Francis. Sketch in the facial guidelines as well.


Here is where you will begin to draw the shape or structure for Pope Francis' forehead, brow for the eye and then sketch in the nose.


Up next, let's sketch in the cheek, mouth, chin and double chin. Pope Francis is an old man with aging skin texture.


Finish the head shape and then draw some of Pope Francis' neck. You will also draw the ear shape, then draw the cap on his head.


We will now use the facial guidelines to draw the eyebrows, eyes, and all the wrinkling under the Pope's eyes. Be sure to color in the eyebrows, then add the frown lines that start on the sides of the nose and flows down the side of the face past the   


Finish off the Pope by drawing the back part of the body then draw the shoulders, and then his holy attire. Once that is finished, draw in the necklace he wears around his neck. Add buttons too. Erase the mistakes and guides then you're done.


Now that you're done, you can color in the Pope or just add some shading if you like.

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March 19, 2015

Description: This is a lesson that I normally wouldn't do because of religious differences that folks may have, but I thought that this concept would make an interesting and educational piece that both kids and adults can learn from in more ways than one. First off, let me tell you that we will be learning "how to draw the Pope", step by step. In this case it's Pope Francis. Some folks will often ask "what is the Pope and what is his purpose?".I will try and answer that question the best way I can from the knowledge that I have. First off, the Pope is leader of the Worldwide Catholic Church and Bishop of Rome. The Pope is often called the "Holy See" and Apostolic See. The Bishop of Rome came about as being the successor to Saint Peter who was also known as one of Jesus Christ's twelve Apostles. Pope Francis' Papacy began March 13, 2013 and is still the Bishop of Rome today. Anyways, enjoy this tut on drawing the Pope, I will be back with one last lesson so stay tuned in.

#draw people #how to draw real people #how to draw crosses #how to draw saints

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