How to Draw Dylan O Brien

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Let us begin by drawing the face guide then sketch in the facial guidelines along with the shoulder line.


Define the shape of Dylan's face like so, then draw in the ear shape.


For the second step you will just draw the shape of his head which is also his hairstyle. in The Maze Runner, Dylan had a regular style hairdo with short bangs.


Next up, draw Dylan's neck shape and then draw the shoulders and some of the torso. Since he is being drawn on an angle you will draw the torso at an angle. Draw in the strap for his suit that he wears and proceed to step five.


We will now sketch out the thick eyebrows and then color them in. When that is done draw the shapes of the eyes and then draw some of the nose bridge.


Lastly, sketch in the nose, mouth, ear detailing and then add some definition on his skin or face for texture. Erase your facial guidelines before you sketch in the face texture. You will also erase the mistakes too.


Here is Dylan O'Brien when you are all done. Now you can choose to color him in, or leave your drawing as a sketch.

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April 13, 2015

Description: Okay guys, are you ready for another lesson on a popular actor who is making a name for himself in a big way? Good, because I will fill another request and show you all how to draw Dylan O'Brien, step by step. I first seen his acting in the movie Maze Runner, but he is also known for his television series role in Teen Wolf as Stiles who plays Scott's sidekick. Anyways, Dylan O'Brien is going to be in a Maze Runner sequel which is as you know a story based on a book. The image that I used for a reference is Dylan during his role as Thomas from The Maze Runner. I hope all you Dylan O'Brien fans like this lesson. I will be back soon so stick around for more drawing fun.

#draw people #how to draw real people #how to draw actors

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