How to Draw The Flintstones Flintmobile

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Well for the first step all you will be doing is drawing out some of the parts for the Flintmobile as shown. Start by drawing out the shape of the wooden frame which is two vertical lines that flare off on the left side. Next draw the lining for the    


Now in this step you will first draw out the end parts of the wheel holding frame and make sure you add the open notches that the wheels will be sitting in. Next thicken the wood pieces that hold up the canvas roof. You will then draw out the stone d   


Now this is your last drawing step and what you will do here is first draw out the cylinder shape for his stone wheels and then detail the steering wheel as shown. Add a back to Fred's bucket seats and then add the tear in the back of the canvas whic   


In the end your prehistoric car should come out looking like this. All you have to do now is color it in and Wha la, your done. You have just completed this tutorial on how to draw The Flintstones Flintmobile step by step.

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November 9, 2008

Description: Hello visitors and members alike, and welcome back to another fun filled drawing tutorial here on Today I was going through some e-mails and found a few request. There was one particular request that I thought made perfect sense for me to do since I already have the whole family submitted in the first place. A member requested a tutorial on how to draw The Flintstones Flintmobile step by step. Now for those of you that watch the animated series that is sometimes aired on Cartoon Network, you will recognize this stoneage vehicle that Fred Flintstone owned which was slightly better than what Barney was driving. The Flintmobile was a wagon sized car when he dragged the family along (front and back seats), but when it was just him and Barney the Flintmobile only had one front seat. The car was made out of tree trunks and had wheels carved out of stone. The seats were also made from stone and the steering wheel was wood. The top of the hood and rear of the mobile was covered with some sort of prehistoric fabric almost like a hide-covered canopy that usually had a hole in the back for a rear window. Fred and Barney used to power the car by using their feet to push it and by using their feet to stop it as well. All in all the prehistoric wagon was unique and memorable. This tutorial will show you how to draw The Flintstones Flintmobile step by step. I hope you enjoy this drawing lesson, I will be back soon with more drawing fun. I would like to thank all you members for your awesome ideas for tutorial request. Keep the requests pouring in and I promise they will get filled even if it takes me a little while to do them. Make sure you keep coming back to the site for updated tutorials, you never know you may see the one you’ve been waiting for.

#how to draw the flintstones #draw cartoon car #draw cartoon cars

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