Let us start off by drawing a long S hook like shape, and then at the bottom make the lines to form the X and then the O.
Using the guidelines begin drawing the letters in a more graffiti like manner. This is one piece as an outline, but when everything else is added it will look like three parts.
Lastly, form the O and then create the X. There should also be borders or outlines on the inside of the S O X letters to create that White Socks logo. Erase your guidelines and mistakes.
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August 28, 2015
Description: Okay folks, here is the third requested lesson that was on my 'to draw' list. I actually couldn't believe that I never made a tutorial on how to draw the White Sox logo, step by step. This is a logo that is not only admired by fans, but folks who enjoy the fashion sense of the symbol also like wearing clothes like hats or caps, shirts, sweaters and whatever else. Enjoy the tut folks, and let me know if there are any other logos you would like to see.