Make the outlined shape for Strawberry Kiss' body like so and add the leafy arms and then draw her shoes with hearts on them.
Up next, draw in all the flower blossoms on the head and then draw in the leaves and stem. Add detailing to them all.
Finally, draw in the mouth or lips and then add the seeds on her face since she is a strawberry. Erase whatever mistakes you might have made.
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December 2, 2015
Description: For the last lesson based on a Shopkins character, I have for you a tut that will teach you how to draw Strawberry Kiss, step by step. This fruit is also a rare Fruit & Veg Shopkin that is debuted in Season One. She loves writing poetry and her two most bestest friends in the whole world are Apple Blossom and Cheeky Chocolate. Drawing Strawberry Kiss is going to be a whole lot funner than the other two Shokins I uploaded. So go ahead and have some fun.