Make a round shape for the head and body of Apple Blossom. When that is done sketch in facial guidelines.
We will now draw in the leaves and blossom along with the apple stem. Once that is done you can add the lines on the worm and the face.
We will now draw in the eyes which are large circles. Make the lashes and then draw the brows, nose and mouth.
Lastly, draw in the pupils and shoes. Don't forget to add the bows on the shoes and the tongue in her mouth. Erase the mistakes and the guidelines.
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December 2, 2015
Description: Up next we will learn how to draw Apple Blossom from Shopkins. She is a green apple with a cute flower blossom at the stem of her head. There is a worm coming out as well and Apple Blossom's face is so incredibly cute. It's going to be easy to draw Apple Blossom so I hope you have fun with this Shopkins character. I have one more tut for you all so I hope you stay tuned in to see what it is.