Create the shape of Kooky Cookie's body shape which is a cookie with a bitten off corner. Add some arms and proceed to step two.
Here you will draw in the cheek bumps and smile. When that is done draw the nose and tooth followed by the dimples.
Lastly, draw in the chocolate chips which are oddly shaped on the cookie. Erase the mistakes if you made any.
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December 2, 2015
Description: I have three Shopkins characters going up and the descriptions won't be long. I will begin with this tut on how to draw Kooky Cookie, step by step. This is an Ultra Rare Bakery Shopkin that appears in season one. As you can see Kooky Cookie is a chocolate chip cookie that wears pink shoes and a cheerful smile. I do hope those of you who are fans of the Shopkins series enjoy this tut on drawing Kooky Cookie.