We will begin by drawing the head and torso shapes for the body guides and then sketch in the facial guidelines and limb guides.
Using the facial guidelines draw in the face. Start with the eyes, then draw the eyebrows, nose and crazy looking grin. We will then draw the ears and three spots on the forehead.
Lastly, finish Spot's body by drawing the legs and feet, then draw in the small layered leaves around the waist. Erase the guides and mistakes.
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June 2, 2015
Description: Okay, so here is the other main character from the film. He is a caveman or cave-boy that Arlo sees for the first time. Here is how to draw Spot, step by step from The Good Dinosaur. Spot is a actually a small human boy that has no family and no friends. He lives all by himself and while venturing out one day he and Arlo meet for the first time. Spot will be simple enough to recreate, so go ahead and have some fun. I will see you back here soon so stick around.