How to Draw Slash

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Let's start this awesome lesson by drawing out the guidelines and shapes to form a nicely shaped frame for this Chibi Guitar Hero star. You will start by drawing out the circle for his head and then add the facial guidelines. Next connect the body's    


As you know Slash is a guy with lots of curly hair. So in this second step you will start drawing out the outline of his curly hair the way you see it in front of you. Once that is done sketch out the shape of the chin and jaw which is going to be dr   


Now you have already reached step three which means you are at the half way mark. Here you will finish the shape and style of Slash's hair and then draw him a pair of shades. Give him a cigarette and then draw out the shaping of both arms and then th   


For your fourth step you will start adding some detail to his curly hair and then give him a long Chibi smile. Detail his sunglasses and then add some detail and definition to his neck, chest and sleeve. You will also need to detail the side of the g   


Well folks you have made it to your last drawing step and all you have to do is add more detail to his curly hair and then draw out the neck of his guitar as well as all the strings, pickups, and knobs. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you dr   


When you are done your Chibi it should come out looking like the one you see before your eyes right now. All you need to do is color him in and your done. I hope you liked this tutorial on how to draw Chibi Slash step by step.

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February 15, 2009

Description: I hope you all liked the last tutorial I submitted on How to draw Mega Man Zero from the Mega Man gaming series. This next lesson is going to be on a person that both my father and I love; only he will be drawn Chibi style. Right now I will show you "how to draw Slash", step by step. Now for those of you that are familiar with this rock guitarist you already know that Slash was a member of the band Guns N Roses back in the eighties when rock music gave you a feeling inside because each song was like listening to a short story. Not only did music make sense back then, they were usually written and sung with heart and soul. Slash was the lead guitarist while playing for GNR and let me tell you something, he was and still is a great musician that is truly gifted at what he does. Even though GNR was before my existence, I still grew up listening to them. My dad listens to Guns N Roses almost everyday and he still says that Slash plays the most amazing riffs when he has a solo. I had a lot of fun drawing Slash as a Chibi and I know you will too. Learning "how to draw Slash" is a fun way to enjoy one of your favorite band members especially when he is a guitarist that appears on Guitar Hero. How to draw a guitarist like Slash is simply fun. I will be back momentarily with some more lessons that are sure to please everyone that visits Rock on!

#drawing chibis

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