How to Draw Chibi People

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For you first step on "how to draw chibi" people, you will draw two circle shapes for the heads of the chibi characters. Sketch in the facial guidelines and then draw out the shapes of the chibi eyes as shown. If you notice the chibi eyes are bold fo   


Okay now you will begin sketching out the actual chibi face shapes as seen here. Chibi's sometimes have very broad square looking face frames, in this case you want to draw the face shapes out the way you see them here. Next you will now work on "how   


Okay it is now time to learn "how to draw chibi bodies". With this couple here you will start drawing out the shapes of the torso's and then sketch out the shapes of the arms. For the girl chibi you will draw out her legs and feet. Once that is compl   


You are now on step three and as you can see you will finish sketching out the chibi hair which is blowing in the wind because this chibi couple is having some serious fun. Sketch out her other eye, and then draw out her hands along with her bracelet   


The girl chibi is already done all you have to do to her is sketch out the detailing for her shoes and then draw a line for her socks. Sketch out the pants for the boy chibi and then move to the next step.


Welcome one and all to your last drawing step. What you will do here is sketch out the chibi pants and the chibi feet and or sneakers. Draw detailing to the bottoms of the pants like wrinkles and layers. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you d   


Here is what your finished chibi line art should look like when you are done. Pick out some pretty colors and then shade in the chibi people that you just drew. I had a lot of fun teaching you guys "how to draw chibi people" step by step. Join me nex   

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June 11, 2009

Description: Drawing different types of Chibi characters is always fun which is why I like to come up with different poses and concepts. I drew this drawing live yesterday and I know that you all had a fun time along with me. I am going to show you once again, “how to draw Chibi” people step by step. The Chibi people that I will show you how to draw are boyfriend and girlfriend or as most would say, a couple. Drawing Chibi style is fun, creative, and even time consuming when you are drawing a concept that is detailed and even a bit animated looking. I think that Chibi people are pretty easy to draw even though they can be a bit complex at times. Learning “how to draw Chibi style” is wicked fun, I also have a bunch of tutorials on Chibi characters that you can learn from if you want to get better at your drawing. All you have to do to access the lessons on Chibi drawing is, go to the anime category and look for “Chibis”. There you will click on the site link and it will bring you to the page that you are looking for which contains a bunch of art that you can learn from. What I like most about the Chibi people that I drew is the girl chili’s hair style. That is another thing that is fun, learning “how to draw Chibi hair” and “Chibi eyes”. Anyways there is a lot more to learn with little time to do it. I will leave you with this lesson on “how to draw Chibi people” step by step for now, but I shall return. Peace out and happy drawing.

#drawing chibis #drawing a chibi

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