We will begin drawing Sensei Wu. The first thing that you need to make is two shapes, one for the head and the other for the pelvic area. Draw a connecting line from the head to the lower part of the body like so, and then sketch in the facial lining
The next step is to draw the conical that he is wearing and then begin drawing out the shape for the top portion of his face. The other part of the face will be drawn in later which is going to be a full length beard.
Add the crosshatching detailing on his conical or straw hat, and then begin drawing in Sensei Wu's face starting with the eyebrows, eyes, and then the mouth. Lightly sketch in some wrinkling on his cheeks and then color in the darkened areas around t
You can finally draw his long beard which is swaying to the right. The ends of his beard are in chunk like curls like you can see. Next, draw out the entire torso which is box shape just like a Lego figure.
Okay guys the more we proceed the further along Sensei Wu develops. Here you will draw the arms and clamp style hands. The left arm is bent because he is going to be holding his staff in later steps. Once you draw the arms and hands you can move to s
It is now time to add detailing to his torso which will create the look and style of his ninja gi. Make some detailing lines down the torso starting near the shoulder and then move near the center of his suit. Draw the kanji to the right of the body
Okay guys you are clearly almost done with this lesson. The only thing you have to do here is draw in the sash around Sensei Wu's waist like so, and make sure to draw the knot in the center as well as detail it with some wrinkle, crease or fold lines
When you are done with step eight, you will be finished with the body aspect of Sensei Wu. All you have to do is draw the straight lined legs as well as the boxy feet. Make the small shape between his legs which is supposed to replicate the same desi
Finally you have now reached the last drawing step. You will draw the staff which looks exactly like a straw. Make the lip around the top of Sensei Wu;s staff, and then clean up your mistakes because you are all done.
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March 13, 2012
Description: Since the recent Ninjago characters have been very popular on Dragoart, I thought it would be a good idea to get all the main characters uploaded so that fans of the series can really have a blast by adding each Ninjago figure to their drawing book collection. I have two Ninjago to upload and I will start with this one which will show you "how to draw Sensei Wu", step by step. Sensei Wu lives in the Ninjago Monastery courtyard. He is a Ninjago master, and has trained many Ninjago like Jay, Cole Kai and Zane. He gathered and trained these ninja in hopes to stop Lord Garmadon. So far Sensei Wu has restored the balance between good and evil, but now his job is to continue training all four ninja to reach their ultimate potential to defeat Lord Garmadon. As far as drawing Sensei Wu, you should be able to complete this task in about thirty minutes, or if you are a novice artist it might take you longer. I had fun recreating him for you all so be sure to have fun and leave a comment and or rating when you are with the tutorial. I shall return so stick around. Peace out folks!