How to Draw Ninjago, Ninjago

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As you know you will be drawing a Lego person. Start with a head shaped and then draw out the body. Add one face guide and move along.


Sketch out the shape of the head or the masked head. This should include notches on the sides of the face.


Next up, draw in the open part of the mask which covers the whole head, and then draw in the small beady eyes and brows like so.


Up next, draw out the entire upper body which is very blocky. This should include the arms as well without the hands.


All you have to really do here is draw out the clutch like hand and then draw in the handle for the sword. Add some detailing to the hand guard, and handle like so.


Next, draw out the right hand, and then move to step seven.


As you can see you will be drawing in the detailing of the gi that this character is wearing. It is very simple to draw because all you have to do is make the band like lines on the front of the torso like so, and then draw in what looks like torches   


Add some light detailing to the band like lines or stripes and then draw in a face on the flame.


All you need to do here is draw in the block like waist which is also supposed to be a sash. Add detailing lines and move to step ten.


Clean up the drawing and then draw out the stretched or extended legs and then add some detailing to the pants and feet.


This is it, your finished drawing of a main figure from Ninjago. Color in this figure and you have completed this tutorial on drawing Ninjago.

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July 30, 2011

Description: Cartoon Network is coming out with another new series and this time the characters in it are all Lego creations. I’m not sure how some of you members are going to take this next lesson, but I will go ahead and show you "how to draw Ninjago", step by step anyway. Like many of the themes from Lego, Ninjago has characters that are all familiar with martial arts. I guess the premise of the series is going to be based on the story background from Ninjago. From what I understand the world of Ninjago was created by the very first master of Spinijitzu and it was made with the use of four weapons from myth and they are; Numchucks of Lightning, the Shurikens of Ice, the Scythe of Quakes, and the Sword of Fire. Once the world was finished he put the trust of the world in the hands of his two sons, Sensei Wu, and Lord Garmadon. The rest of the story is nonexistent to me, but when the show comes out I’m sure there will be more for me to get info on. For now, just have fun as you learn "how to draw Ninjago" in just a few steps. Well that’s it guys I will now move onto something else to submit because I know you are all waiting.

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