How to Draw Toadette

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Draw a circle shape for the head and then add the vertical line inside of her face. Next draw out the big mushroom shape for her cap, and then draw out the shape of her body and feet.


Make the circle for her head precise, and then start drawing out the top of the chest, and then her wide spread arms and then her hands. Just her pose along brings joy to your face.


Draw the cap in more detail, and then add the two big circles for the spotty design. Next draw the one visible pigtail and be sure to draw a bigger rounded end with a few spots. Add her eyes, and then draw a happy smiling mouth.


You will start this fourth step by drawing out the other pigtail and then draw the upper part of Toadette's body which is her vest design and dress. When you are done with that you can start drawing her foot.


Now that you are on your last drawing step, you can finish drawing in her feet and or shoes, and then draw the rest of her round body shape. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one to prepare your drawing for color.


Here is what your finished drawing looks like now that you are done. Grab your girly colored pencils, crayons, or markers, and color in your Mario character. I hope you enjoyed this lesson that taught you an easy way to draw Toadette.

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February 14, 2010

Description: I will start the day by submitting a lesson on another character from the Mario video game series. In the game “Mario Kart: Double Dash”, there was a new playable racing partner for Toad. Now, you know how easy Toad was to draw right? Well this tutorial is going to be just as simple. I'm going to show you “how to draw Toadette”. She is a very cute member of the crew and she has a lot of characteristics of her partner Toad. She wears a pink colored dress that has a white boarder line along the bottom of her clothing. She also wears a red colored vest and her “hair” or “head” is the shape as any other Toad. Because Toads look like walking, talking mushrooms, their heads are supposed to be shaped like mushroom caps. Her mushroom cap is a pretty pink, and like other members of her race, it also has white spots. Now because she is a girl, Toadette has an adorable set of plaits that are supposed to represent pigtails, and they also have white spots. She has a very cheery, bright face, and a very friendly personality. Because she was a very successful part of the game series, she has been one of the most recurring playable characters ever since. Now it's your turn to try out this lesson that shows you “how to draw Toadette”. Don't go away because I have four more awesome lessons coming your way in just a few. I think you will like what I upload next, for those of you that where watching, I drew the next character live yesterday and I had a blast. Peace people, and have a happy drawing day!

#how to draw mario characters
1 - Super Cool
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