How to Draw Olly Murs, Olly Murs

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Begin by making an oblong shape for Olly's head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Sketch out the shape or structure of Olly's face then begin the lining for his hairline.


Here is where you will start working on his eyes. Sketch out the eyebrows first and make sure that the hair for the brows is done in a soft manner. Next draw the eyes, and the nose bridge.


By the time this step is done you will begin to recognize who you are drawing. Sketch out the shape of Olly's nose, then draw in his mouth or lips. Add detailing to his face like the dimples and indent above the lip.


Okay so you are done with Olly's face, so that means you will start sketching out his hairstyle. Make the strand lines wavy, and be sure to also sketch out the ears.


Lastly draw the shape of Olly's neck, then draw the shoulders, and t-shirt collar lining. Erase your mistakes and you're done.


Here is Olly Murs when you're done. Color him in and show off your work.

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April 26, 2013

Description: Since I have been uploading people from public, I figured I should at least fill a request and show you "how to draw Olly Murs", step by step. Like with every performer whether they be actors, singers, writers, comedians or what have you, this lesson is just as fun to tackle as to listening to his music. Olly's full name is Oliver Murs, and he is as you know an English musician, singer and songwriter. He was a contender on the X-Factor back in 2009. He is best known for his performance when he sang Stevie Wonder's hits song 'Superstition'. As of right now he is being recognized for his 'Troublemaker' single that he did with Flo Rider. He also has hits; 'Please Don't Let Me Go', Heart Skips a Beat', and 'Thinking of Me'. Even though I don't listen to his style of music, I still wanted to fill the request on drawing Olly Murs. I know if you are a fan you will have fun. I shall return people so stay tuned I.

#draw famous #draw music #draw real people #how to draw real people
1 - Super Cool
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