How to Draw Nyan Pony, Poptart Pony
Up next, we will continue to work on the face by drawing the large eye. The upper lid should be thick and dark like you see here and since this is a girl, add some lashes.
For the last drawing step you will need to sketch out the long frizzy tail. Erase your mistakes and that's it.
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July 17, 2014
Description: I know a lot of you have heard of Nyan Cat. Well, my little eleven year old sister suggested that I make a tutorial on how to draw Nyan Pony, MLP style. I don't know how folks will like this concept, but it's definitely going to be very easy to replicate. All you will be doing is making a large square for the poptart shape, a MLP style head, some legs and a tail. So, I will now shut up so you can get started with the fun. Adios amigos and enjoy.