In this first step you will start out by drawing the guidelines and shapes to form a frame for George. First draw out the shape of his face which is blocky add the facial guidelines. Next draw out the lining of his hair style and then the shape of hi
Now that you have completed step one you can start adding George's facial features starting with his friendly smile. Now what you will do is finish off the shaping of his hair style and then thicken the shape of his arm and thumb. Draw out George's c
Now all you have to do here is start drawing out the rest of his face starting with the circles for his eyes and then the actual shape of his open mouth. Give him some eyebrows and small ears and then draw out his hands and right arm. You will then t
This is your last drawing step and what you will do here is draw a few circles for his eyes and eyeballs. Next give him some teeth and spots on his clothes. You can then start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.
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November 9, 2008
Description: Now that I have submitted three sports tutorials I will now take a left turn and do something that is totally not related to any kind of sports whatsoever. Instead I am going to show you how to draw George from George of the Jungle step by step. Now the George I’m gonna show you how to draw is from the animated series that airs on Cartoon Network. George is King of the Mbebwe jungle and he has super strong strength, almost like a silver back gorilla. Even though he is king of the jungle he has a super sweet and friendly personality and he also has a very big heart. In the animated show George is very naive, just like he is in the motion picture movie as well which was released by Disney. I like the show because George is a very funny and entertaining character that often splits my side in a mean way. He is pretty simple to draw because his limbs are shaped and positioned like noodles. The one thing that I love about the opening credits of each show is the song; George, George, George of the Jungle, Strong as he can be. (Ahhhhhhhh) Watch out for that tree. George, George, George of the Jungle, Lives a life that's free. (Ahhhhhhhh) Watch out for that tree. That is the best it has such a catchy tune to it doesn’t it? In this drawing lesson you will learn how to draw George from George of the Jungle step by step. I will be back with one more online drawing tutorial in a bit so keep your eyes open for the next one.