How to Draw Finn and Marceline, Finn and Marceline Kissing

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Start off by making two circles, one for each head. Add the facial guidelines as well.


The first person you will draw ins Finn. Make the shape of rounded head, and add the small bump for one of the ears. Draw in his puckered lips.


Here you will draw out the lining for Finn's face. After that is done you can color in a small eyeball, then sketch in the blush marks on his cheeks.


Draw in the rest of Finn's body which is only the back, his shoulder and arm, then his backpack. Make the collar line as well around the body.


Okay Finn is done. Now let's work on Marceline. Start with drawing the profile of the face, as well as the puckered lips. Next, draw the bangs as well as the length of her straight hair.


Draw in her eye which is closed, then sketch in the lashes and blush marks.


Draw in the ends of her hair, then draw out her thin shoulder and arm, as well as her torso and top.


Lastly, draw in the rest of Finn's body, then the rest of his arm and hand. Erase the lines and shapes that you made in the beginning.


When all is done, your drawing comes out looking like the one you see here. Color the lovers in and you have a completed drawing of Finn and Marceline.

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October 3, 2012

Description: So guys, here I am today uploading a lesson that will have all you Adventure Time fanatics screaming for joy. Today, I will be showing you "how to draw Finn and Marceline", step by step. For many months I have been getting these requests for me to make a lesson on Finn and Marceline kissing. I finally made it so that a lot of people stay happy. At first I wasn't sure if I love the drawing, but in the end I really like how the entire tutorial turned out. It's always fun drawing Adventure Time characters because they are so easy to replicate. Anyways, I'm sure you want to get busy with drawing Finn and Marceline. As you tackle this tut, I will prepare my next submission. Adios people and enjoy!

#how to draw adventure time characters

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