How to Draw an Anime Jack Skellington Girl

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Make a medium sized circle for the head, then draw a triangular shaped torso. Once that is done add the line guides to the face and torso.


Next, draw the shape of the face making sure that the bang line and right side of hair is drawn to frame the face. The chin forms a point as well.


Continue to work on the hair getting drawn. When you continue on with the hair be sure the ends are curled a bit and pointed.


Now we will work on the face. Draw out the eyes with thick or bold lid lines, then draw out the shapes of the eyes. Draw in the stitched looking mouth like so, then make the small diamond shape for the nose.


Get started with drawing the torso. Make the small shape of the neck, then draw the turtle neck collar, followed by the broad shoulders, and left shape of her body. The left side of her body should have some nice contouring lines to really define her   


Complete the arm, then add the V neck collar, then draw the buttons. Add detailing on the shoulder and define the breast.


lastly, draw in her bat designed button or broach. Add detailing to the design, then you are ready to start erasing the mistakes.


Here is the line art when you are done. You can add your own tweaks to customize your character that you just drew.

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October 3, 2012

Description: This is a project that I worked on today out of boredom. I wanted to make a lesson on another Jack Skellington, but instead of the same ol' same ol', I wanted to draw a person trying to look like Jack Skellingtin dressed up, but also have it drawn in anime style. I tried keeping the face as round as possible without the face getting distorted. One of my favorite things about this concept design, is the bat winged button for her top. The face has a white base, with black colored eyes, nose and thin black lined mouth. If you are a fan of Jack Skellington, than you should enjoy yourself as you learn "how to draw anime Jack Skellington", step by step. The figure is female, but you can opt to making your character a male. Thanks so much for joining me today, be sure to come back tomorrow for more lessons on what you like. Adios mi amigos!


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