How to Draw Elizabeth Taylor

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Okay guys, here we go. Start by drawing the guide of Elizabeth's head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Define the shape of her face which is going to be viewed from a 3/4 view angle. Once that is done draw the crinkle hairline which is for her curls.


Here is where you will draw out her nicely shaped eyebrows, color them in and then sketch out the shape or lining of her nose.


Use the facial guidelines to draw in the thick lining for the upper lid of her eye as well as the eyelashes.


Up next we will finish drawing Elizabeth's eyes, then sketch in the rest of her nose. Once those parts of her face are done you can draw in her full pouting set of lips, then add detailing inside her ear as well as the mole on her face.


You are almost done drawing the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor. All you have to do here is sketch out her hairstyle which is pulled back and parted on the sides and rests on her neck and shoulders.


To finish her off, draw the shoulders, neck line and blouse opening to complete the sketch. Erase all those guides you made along with your mistakes.


The line art comes out looking like the drawing you see here. Go ahead and add some color to her face.

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January 6, 2015

Description: The second most beautiful woman in the history of Hollywood is the face you see before you now. Up next, we will learn how to draw Elizabeth Taylor, step by step. Elizabeth Taylor is best known for her role in 'Cleopatra', she also made the cover of People Magazine over fourteen times, she has won two Academy Awards for Best Actress, Elizabeth Taylor was also given Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award, and is known for her exceptional beauty. Drawing Elizabeth Taylor was so much fun, I really enjoyed drawing one of the worlds most recognized faces. I do hope you enjoy this tut as I worked really hard with the painting of her.

#draw people #how to draw real people #how to draw actors

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