How to Draw Dark Sephiroth
Use the guides you just made to sketch out the structure for Sephiroth's face shape like so. When that is done make the lining for the hair which frames the face.
We will begin to draw Sephiroth's eyes, then draw the eyebrows and some of the nose lining. Be sure to draw his eyes very defined.
We will draw the neck shape then draw the jacket collar and notice how there is a flap folded over the right side.
Almost done folks. Draw in the head shape which is also Sephiroth's hairstyle. Incorporate the ear shape, then add some detailing to the ends of the hair.
Lastly, draw the left side of the jacket flap which is folded over the same way the right side is. When that is done you can erase your mistakes and the guides.
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October 11, 2014
Description: I gave you a dark Cloud Strife, and now I have to give you a lesson on "how to draw dark Sephiroth". Now because Sephiroth is already a character that is dark looking, I thought I would ease up on the intensity to his face design. Instead of going for a mean, super villain look, I went for something more relaxed and subtle. Anyways, do enjoy this tut on drawing a dark version of Sephiroth. As always I will return with more for you all so keep those eyes peeled to the screen.