How to Draw Banana Joe, Banana Joe

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Start by drawing the arched or crescent shape of Banana Joe's body shape. Once that is done make a dash like you see here.


Using the guide you just drew, continue to sketch out the shape of a banana stem and all. To give the banana depth or dimension, make a simple line that flows with the contours of the body.


Remember that dash you drew? Well you will now use it to draw in the round eyes and ridiculous looking mouth. Give him some teeth and color in some pupils.


And finally, draw the stringy arms and legs and add some nods for the fingers or hands. Clean up the drawing like so, and then you are ready to see how Joe looks when he is all done.


This is the line art when you are all done. Now you can color him in to finish off another character from The Amazing World of Gumball.

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October 9, 2011

Description: I have yet another character to add to the tutorial list and he is going to be one simple character to create. Someone asked if I could make a lesson on "how to draw Banana Joe", step by step. If you’re unfamiliar with whom he is, you might have seen him in the very popular Cartoon Network series, Amazing World of Gumball. He is considered to be the class clown, but the one funny thing about Joe, is how he continues to laugh and poke fun at other people when all the while the joke is really on him. His whole being is a banana with two silly eyes and a clay style mouth. He has noodle thin arms and legs, which means he is going to be very easy to replicate. Banana Joe is one of the few characters I had fun drawing yesterday because he was probably the easiest. Anyways, have a blast guys as you learn the ropes to teaching yourself "how to draw Banana Joe". I will be back with one more tut, so stay tuned in to see what it is going to be on.

#how to draw amazing world of gumball characters #how to draw bananas
1 - Super Cool
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