How to Draw an Owl Flying

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Start off by drawing the guidelines and shapes for the owl in flight. Make the circle for the head and then the guidelines for the body and wings.


Next, go ahead and start sketching out the head and feathered horns of the owl's head. You will also need to create the brows and eye shape area like you see it done for you here. Take your time, don't rush.


This is going to be a lengthy step because you will be drawing out the massive wings for the owl. Owl's have impressive wing spans and this is what I wanted to showcase with the owl wings. There are layers of feathers throughout as well. Once the win   


Draw the arch of the opposite wing and then add detailing to the top of the head and side of the face as well as inside the eye.


In this step you will draw the tail feathers or the tail portion of the body. Again, there are layers of feathers that you have to draw so take your time.


Go ahead and complete the body by drawing the talons and more of the tail.


Lastly, draw in your moons. That is it, erase the mistakes and you're done.


The finished piece should come out looking like the one you see here. Now all you have to do is color in the owl in flight.

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July 16, 2020

Description: Hey all welcome back once again to another fun lesson here on Dragoart. Today I will do something a little different and show you how to draw an owl flying, step by step. This owl actually came out really cool and I love how the whole concept came out. I love the owl's pose in flight mode and how characteristics of the owl surrounds like the two different style moons and the night shaded background. If you have been wanting to teach yourself how to draw an owl flying or an owl in flight, this is a great lesson to follow. I will be back with more drawing fun so stay tuned in.

#how to draw owls #how to draw flying birds

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