How to Draw a Dark Owl


Start by drawing the owl's eyes. These are actually the shapes of the colored marking housing the eyes.


Next, draw the almond shaped beak.


You will now draw the circle eyes shapes and add the flower petals around the shapes.


You will now draw the body and that includes the head and sides.


Next, cap off the bottom of the owls body, then draw in the talons or toes.


Up next, draw in the layers of feathers that flows down the owl's body.


Lastly, draw the branch that the owl is perched on, and be sure to add bark detailing to the wooded tree branch. Erase the mistakes, then you have yourself an awesome drawing.


Here is the line art now that you are done. Color in the owl, you can do a dark style or a colorful rainbow style.

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August 19, 2014

Description: I haven't made an owl tut in a long time so I thought I would go ahead and do one today. Instead of a boring owl concept I wanted to go ahead and make something a bit dark and more intriguing. Anyways, I call this tutorial on how to draw a dark owl, step by step. Owls are always awesome to draw and with this concept I think you folks will enjoy tackling an owl tutorial once again.

#how to draw owls
1 - Super Cool
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