You will make two shapes for each head you will be drawing. One for the owl and one for the skull.
Starting with the owl's face, draw in the feathery eyebrows or what seems to look like eyebrows in a majestic style. Right at the inner points of the brows, draw the small shaped owl nose.
Up next, use the head guide to draw in the shape of the owl's head and then sketch in the feathery face shape like so. You will also draw the large circular eyes and color in the pupils.
We won't be drawing an owl body but in the place of the body we will make the skull. But that will be done in step five. For step four, draw in the layered feathers for form the owl's wings and then draw some feathers on the front under the face for
Up next, we will begin drawing the skull. This is a very traditional looking skull concept. As you can see the definition of the eyes are very prominent as you can see. The nasal cavity gets drawn in next, then sketch out the mouth which is the teeth
You are already almost done. Draw more feathers from the owl's wings. This should be long, straight feathers. When that is done you can proceed to step seven.
Let's finish off this concept by drawing the short feathers on the head and then draw the tail feather out from the jaw line like you see here. Erase your mistakes and you are all done.
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May 5, 2015
Description: Here is a special lesson that I cam very proud of due to the fact that it's on a concept that was going to be a skull in the form of an owl's face. After a few different sketches I came up with this concept which is completely original and awesome. The idea for the design came from a few different places in my head, but in the end I decided to go with a concept that reminded me of a gargoyle like the ones you see on those massive Cathedrals around the world. Here is my take on how to draw an owl and skull tattoo, step by step. As you can see the owl and skull look like stone with the coloring and shading I worked on. In the center of the owl is the highly detailed skull as it becomes part of the owl's body and design. This is one of my favorite drawings that I have done in a long while, and I can't wait for you to see the other tattoo concept I have in store for you all coming up next. For now, have fun with drawing an owl and skull tattoo and I will be back in a bit with more tuts for you all.