Make two shapes, one for the head and a heart shape for the torso. Sketch in the facial guidelines as well.
Up next, draw in the entire shape of Alien Hello Kitty's head. This should be done using one line. Add the dimple in the head like so, then proceed to step three.
Color in her eyes, draw the small nose and add some whisker and head detail then call this step finished.
Define the shape of the heart and draw the body. Add the detailing lines inside the shape you just defined.
Lastly, give this Kitty a tail, but this one will have spines down the back. Erase the mistakes and guides as well.
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May 27, 2014
Description: Let's move onto some simpler tuts that will not be so challenging to replicate. As you all know Hello Kitty is used to promote many characters and products. Today I will show you "how to draw Alien Hello Kitty", step by step using this easy to follow lesson. As always she maintains her look with her glossy eyes, small nose, no mouth and pink bow. The head to this Alien Hello Kitty is long because that is what the species looks like in the film. Not everyone will like drawing Alien Hello Kitty, but for those of you who are Alien fans, this ones for you.