How to Draw a Yin Yang, Yin Yang

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Make a large circle or larger depending on what size you want your ying yang to be.


You will draw in the squiggle line in the middle which is used to separate the two shapes.


Draw in the holes or dots on both shapes of the yin yang, and then color one side. Erase some mistakes and you're done.


Here is the line art, now you are all done.

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September 22, 2011

Description: Here’s an awesome tutorial on something different. There is so many things that I can choose to draw and to be honest, it’s not often that I come across things or ideas that are easy to make and have fun with. I don’t mean I don’t have fun drawing easy stuff like things for the ‘for kids’ section or chibis, I’m talking about easy things that are pretty cool to look at. For my fifth lesson I will show you "how to draw a ying yang", step by step. A while back a member submitted one of these symbols and I even did a dragon version of one. I find that sometimes it’s best making things the way they were met to be made. Take the ying yang for example. The original concept is supposed to be a circular symbol with two halves that are the same, but different in color. Each has an eye or hole and they are both equal in shape, and size. As you can imagine the ying yang isn’t hard to replicate but you can add some modifications to your work. You don’t necessarily have to make the swirls black and white; you can choose to go with another color, or maybe even the same color with the center line a different shade. No matter which way you choose to draw and color your ying yang. Thanks guys, and stay tuned in to see what the last tutorial will be. Peace!

#how to draw ying yangs #how to draw yin yangs

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