How to Draw a Werewolf Girl

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Begin with the guides for the head, face and body like so. Notice the small shapes for the hands too.


Using the head/face guide you can start to draw out the actual structure of the female werewolf's face. Be sure to include the bangs for her hair as well.


For this next step we will be drawing the shape of the werewolf's head which is created by sketching out the hairstyle. I chose to go with a long straight style. The ears should be erect and detailed with hair on the inside. Once that is done you can   


Now that the face and hair is done, we can proceed forward by drawing the neck and torso followed by the arms and one hand. When werewolves are in full form they don't wear clothes. So when you draw the upper body draw the chest, arm and hand in a we   


All we will need to do here is draw the left arm and hand.


Continue to work on the body by sketching out the torso, hips and waist. Add some fluff on the inside of the pelvic area and then draw the tooth style necklace.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is sketch in the tail. This is a dog or werewolf like tail so be sure to draw it properly. Erase the mistakes and guides once you have added detailing to the tail.


Here is the line art folks. Go ahead and color in your drawing and then show others what type of werewolf you just created. I hope you had fun with this lesson, be sure to stay tuned in for more.

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September 14, 2016

Description: Hello one and all, so good to be back here today with a new lessons for everyone. I actually have two new tutorials for folks and I will start with this one on how to draw a werewolf girl, step by step. It's no secret that I love drawing werewolves. I mean I must have more than a handful of tuts on Drago based on the fabled beast in all different forms. I think I may have even made a drawing on a female werewolf at some point, but I can't be certain. Anyways, this werewolf girl isn't too exaggerated as far as features and parts of the body go. I wanted to make her as realistic as possible. Some of the inspiration for this werewolf came from my love of the movie 'Gingersnaps'. That cult classic will forever be one of my favorite werewolf movies and I think it's because instead of having a boy it's a girl for a werewolf creature. Anyways, I do hope you all enjoy this lesson. I will be back soon with my other tutorial so be sure to stay tuned in.

#draw werewolves

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