How to Draw a Cute Wolfman


Draw the head and torso and then sketch in the facial guidelines followed by the limb guides.


Using the head guide you made in step one, begin sketching out the actual structure for the Wolfman's face and head. Also include the ears and the fluff for the cheeks.


We will draw the eyes which are almond shaped and then draw and color in the eyebrows. Add the inner detailing to the wolf ears too.


Draw in the nose and mouth which is open and roaring. Add the pointed teeth and you are ready for step five.


Now that the head and face is drawn, you can draw the arms and hands which are clawed. The sleeves should appear ripped.


Up next, draw the body completely and then draw the feet. You will also need to add the nails on the toes.


Lastly, draw in the ends of the torn shirt and then draw the slashes on the front of the shirt. Add the seam lines and begin erasing your mistakes and guides.


Here is the line art. Just color in this cute Wolfman and show people what you have drawn, or display the drawing anywhere you like.

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October 2, 2015

Description: The next three tuts I have to upload will be on Halloween related stuff. I just had to go ahead and make these lessons because I think people will find them fun and exciting. So having said that, here is how to draw a cute Wolfman, step by step. Wolfman is a popular creature from lore and is often associated with Halloween. The one you will be drawing is super cute, sort of realistic and full of character. If you like drawing wolves or werewolves, I think you will like drawing a cute Wolfman like the one you see here.

#how to draw wolves #draw werewolves
1 - Super Cool
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